LinkedIn advertising, the way forward

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional online network. The New Zealand user base is around 2.35 million people with the largest demographic being 25–34-year-olds. It is a great platform for advertising, particularly for B2B companies in agribusiness looking for employees, strengthening professional relationships and generating leads.


The results speak for themselves…

Organic engagement on LinkedIn was high with 40% of visitors engaging with a page every week. Furthermore, weekly posting increased followers 5.6 times more than Pages that post monthly, with their following growing a further 7 times faster and 10-15% of advertisers on LinkedIn saw a short-term lift in sales.

LinkedIn conversation ads drove 4x higher open rates and 4x higher engagement rates than traditional email and twice the engagement as message ads in 2022.

LinkedIn ads were more effective at driving brand lift than other top platforms for both B2B and B2C brands. For advertisers using LinkedIn ads, their brand perception increased by 50% for quality, 92% for professionalism, 74% for intelligence, and 59% for respect.


How LinkedIn ads work:

LinkedIn allows you to target professionals from specific companies or industries which can be further filtered by job title, reaching decision makers making it a powerful tool for B2B companies. Partnering this with relevant website content, messaging, a landing page, brings satisfactory results together for businesses.

A lot is possible with LinkedIn to achieve strong results require investment. The average cost per click, and average cost per a thousand impressions are generally higher than the likes of Google Ads or Facebook/Instagram but excellent results and higher generation of leads pays off.


To find out how LinkedIn can fit into your agribusiness media strategy, talk to us today.